Monday, August 8, 2011

makin' it look old...

old bead board retrieved from the basement of building...

i couldn't have made it look more random and aged if i'd tried...

a little muriatic acid on new tin does the trick!

after hours and hours of grubbin' around in the basement for old lumber, scrubbing off 100 years of dirt and grime, the front of the store is finally complete.  well almost, the front doors patiently await their 'lipstick'...a nice coat of barn red paint.  we ran across an old door with several men's names and dates from the 20's-30's.  just for fun, i looked one up on and found his occupation to be, what else...a miner.  oh, if these walls could talk!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What a find!

while showing my mom one of the old houses we bought in victor, i decided to pull up some nasty carpet in what i was sure was the original kitchen.  i couldn't believe my eyes!  not only is this old linoleum in pristine condition, it's all my favorite colors!  this house was not at the top of our list to start working on, but finding this amazing flooring has just moved it up a notch or two!