Tuesday, September 18, 2012

en plein air...

what could be better on a sunny, crisp and cool day in victor, co than taking a little break in our old bouncer lawn chairs.  we could've sold them 10 times over, but some things are just downright sacred.  these belonged to my grandma and grandpa and were on their front porch as far back as i can remember.  seems like i even have a picture of one of them holding me as a toddler in them.  be sure to take note of the wagon in between them and the old sign in the window as you view the  next picture.

the wagon with buckets of flowers and old boots was the item of interest to one of the VCTA artists in this years en plein air competition.  although it didn't win a prize with the judges, it certainly won 1st prize with me and is now hanging in my office!  if you've never attended this great art show, put it on your schedule for next labor day.  artists from all over the country come and paint within a certain radius of our old city hall.  victor has some of the most beautiful, original turn of the century archetecture of any old mining town you could find on the map.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

here we go again...

i guess we have what you'd call itchy feet.  before we have one project completed, we're out looking for another to start.  however...we are always excited by a new adventure.  after looking at these two houses longingly for the past two years as we passed by them, the opportunity to purchase them came around and we jumped on it. 

the big log cabin on the right was built in 1896 as a boarding house.  the floors make you feel a little sea sick...some settling problems to take care.  but, as always, we're undaunted!

the smaller house on the right has been renovated inside, just a few minor changes to make.  oh, did i say small changes?  that always strikes fear in my hubby's heart! 

they set high on the hill with a fantastic view over the city of victor, co.  and we can see ourselves in rocking chairs on the front porch in years to come.  if we don't slow down, it may come sooner than later.  but what a way to go!